
Eva Fashion Prints

Image of Eva Fashion Prints
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This trio of photoshoot-style prints features the main pilots of Evangelion - Shinji, Asuka, and Rei - in varied fashions. Prints are A6 with gloss lamination. Individual and bundle purchase options available.

Prints designed by Claysws (Shinji), milkclb (Asuka), and Efuzel (Rei).

Misprinted prints available at discounted rates. Misprints may contain one or more of the following flaws:
- Uneven ink coverage
- White spots/lines
- Uneven gloss lamination
- Raised lines on the print
By purchasing a misprinted print you acknowledge that you are knowingly purchasing a flawed product and that those flaws will not be considered sufficient reason to request a refund, return, or exchange.

Items will be shipped within 72 hours of ordering. Please allow up to 14 days for delivery.